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5 Secrets to Success: How We’ve Thrived in Business for Over 25 Years
Paperless Transaction is celebrating 25 years in business this year, and we’ve decided to give away our secret recipe for success. It's carried us through storms both large and small, including recessions, COVID shutdowns and radical new changes in technology. It still works 25 years later because this recipe for success is timeless - We’ll never claim it’s easy, but it’s worth it!
1. Honor God with Our Actions
This is the foundation for every decision we make. We are fully aligned with the values of Christian Churches, Ministries, and Missionaries, understanding their mission and working alongside them to further His Kingdom.
3. Treat Customers Like Family
Our customer service sets us apart. Every client is unique, and we tailor our support to your specific needs. Our knowledgeable and responsive customer service team is always ready to assist - even the owner of the company is just a phone call away! When you become a client of Paperless Transactions, we’re in it for the long term, and your success is our success.
3. Build Trust Through Transparency
Call us old-fashioned, but we believe in full disclosure, no fine-print or hidden agendas, just straightforward business. Transparency builds trust, and at Paperless Transactions, we take this seriously. When our clients work with us, they can rest assured that there are no hidden costs or surprises. Our commitment to transparency ensures that our clients can focus on their mission without worrying about the financial complexities of payment processing.
4. Keep Promises:
We believe not only in keeping our own promises, but helping our clients keep theirs. We design and develop web-based donation software that enables timely reporting and faster cycle times in payment processing. That means our clients can access the funds and the data they need when they need it, allowing them to make informed decisions, plan for the future, and honor their commitments with confidence.
5. Empower Organizations That Change the World:
This is both a mission statement and a core value. Because we’re not in business to help everybody, we show up to work every day to support the change-makers and visionaries who are transforming the world through their own tireless efforts. We live out our values with unwavering dedication to serving churches, ministries, and missionaries with transparency, fast processing, and exceptional customer support.
If you want to learn more about payment processing for your organization, we’d love to talk!