Blog Articles

A Year-End Recap from Paperless Transactions

Micah Hobart, COO
As 2019 draws to a close, we wanted to thank our clients for trusting us this year with your donations. We know you are working overtime at the busiest time of year to raise critical funds for your various causes. And while you are working overtime, so are we as we keep an eye on the various technologies you use of ours whether it is using our API or you use one of our integrated software partners or if you use one of our various donation and fundraising forms, you can trust that we take seriously our commitment to being your partner in this important role.
We recently read a couple of interesting headlines that you may be interested in. One headline that made news was that Giving Tuesday just set a record for 1 day giving to charities. This event which just started back in 2012 had its’ largest one day giving total of nearly $2 billion according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. However just a few short days later another news article found that despite that record haul, overall giving for 2019 is down nearly 5%. Even more challenging is the news that the giving rate as a % of households has not recovered from the great recession of 2008 with overall giving still hovering around 53%.
These articles caught our attention! As 2019 concludes, we have an eye on the future. Our team is excited for 2020 and continuing to partner with charities across the United States to provide technology and expertise in fundraising and processing donations. To that end, we hope to provide a greater level of depth and expertise in giving you meaningful content and resources to assist organizations in fundraising technology. We plan to extend technology to help charitable organizations more effectively and efficiently find new constituents. And to communicate more effectively to those constituents and to play a vital role in converting them from joining your mailing list or email list and into being more active in your various causes whether that is as a volunteer or attending an event or making a financial contribution to support your organization. Paperless is moving beyond simply processing your donations and into a deeper and even more strategic role with your organization.
So for now, work hard and complete the immediate task at hand with the critical end of year fundraising along with thank you acknowledgements and your myriad of other end of year items. We hope you get some time in to relax and enjoy some time with family. And when 2020 rolls around here in a few short weeks we will be ready to partner at a deep level to grow your organization and continue to be your trusted technology partner in an even deeper way.