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How Tailored Marketing Helps You Reach the Right People
Gone are the days of scattershot marketing and its (largely flawed) strategy of targeting a mass audience with the hope it will reach a percentage of those people who might actually engage.
Instead, organizations are taking advantage of tailored marketing to help them reach the right target audience at the right time.
What Is Tailored Marketing?
More effective than traditional methods, tailored marketing uses a foundation of research to reach potential audiences with messages specific to them.
Thoughtful research produces data that supports a strategy focusing on the wants and needs of a meticulously segmented demographic.
And workflows based on customer data are available to automate the whole process.
How Is Tailored Marketing Different From Traditional Marketing?
While more traditional strategies may target a wide demographic, tailored marketing goes deep.
Tailored marketing relies on data-driven strategies and identifies characteristics on a granular level, taking into consideration traits, habits and context.
Research data could include things like gender, income, educational level, online behavior, personality, interests, lifestyle and values—all of which let you reach out to your audience on an individual basis.
The data you collect should allow you to relate to an individual like you would your best friend.
And tailored marketing reduces the wasted effort of traditional marketing that caters to a large group of unreceptive people in hopes of reaching an individual who actually cares about your message.
And the bonus? It’s typically less expensive than more traditional means of marketing, where large upfront costs and budget overages mean big bucks.
Getting Noticed
Enriching marketing content with research-backed keywords and phrases is extremely effective. What keywords and phrases are your target audience most likely to use in a search? Now fortify your content with them.
With tailored marketing, you can adopt a tone and approach that is most likely to capture the attention of your audience and lead them to take action. If you’re a nonprofit focused on environmental concerns, for example, you can use tailored marketing to speak to conservationists differently than you do those focused more on climate change.
And understanding past membership or contribution levels may enhance your ability to present your audience with opportunities to engage before they have to go looking for them. A nonprofit has to make donating effortless, and tailored marketing can help accomplish this.
Is Your Audience Satisfied?
Research shows that consumers are more likely to value a communication if it takes into account past purchase or donation behaviors. That means using your research data to give your audience a more satisfying experience in a way that delivers some sort of value to them.
Equally important is to understand audience members who may not be satisfied with their experience. Tailored marketing strategies allow you to identify those who would otherwise be detractors and develop a nurturing campaign designed to bring them back into the fold.
Conversely, you can turn audiences who are most satisfied with their experience into promoters who influence others to get involved.
Targeting Across All Channels
Data-informed tailored marketing should extend to all your digital marketing assets: website, email communications, events, campaigns and other essential components.
Use best-in-class analytics to produce beautiful, highly personalized emails that audiences actually look forward to receiving. And use the fundamental tenets of tailored marketing to write engaging blogs.
Also, don’t overlook the importance of landing pages and forms. Landing pages have the highest conversion rate and are the most effective way to communicate purpose and elicit form data from visitors. Use tailored marketing to create compelling, personalized landing page content that compels audience members to act.
Need Help From an Expert?
Our marketing agency, CauseDriven Marketing, maximizes the central pillars of tailored marketing to provide integrated, full-service marketing and fundraising deliverables focused on nonprofit success.
Our goal is to help you develop a tailored marketing plan expertly designed to speak to individual audience members in a way that compels them to act. Why not reach out today to discover how CauseDriven Marketing can deliver outstanding tailored marketing results for your organization?