Blog Articles

Your Brand’s Big 3
The following is a featured post from Jason Bowman, Strategist & Principal Partner at ArtSpeak Creative
Your brand is more than your logo, colors, fonts, and taglines. Your brand is what other people say about you when you aren’t in the room. It’s your identity, your influence, and your reputation. How do you influence it? How do you promote it? How do you change misperceptions?
Here’s how:
Express Your Best Self

You don’t just need catchy, or clever or even a new trendy look. You need an authentic creative expression of your true identity. Who are you? What makes you tick? What are your unfair advantages? What are your biggest hurdles? Questions like these help identify the heart of your organization. When you express you, you will immediately resonate with others who are aligned by the same values and want the same things
Sadly, some of the most life-giving organizations get pressurized and start advertising an inauthentic version of themselves out of the desire to drive traffic to their upcoming opportunity. In so doing, they can often undermine the brand trust in the community and market they desire to influence. With a healthy strategy in place, they could have spent less and expressed themselves more clearly and had the results they were after.
One of our favorite things to do is walk clients through a process that helps them identify who they really are and then set language to tell their story in new and compelling ways.
Refine Your Unique Message

There is something about you that is different. There is something powerful about the message you have to share. The question is, what makes it unique?
Even if there are other organizations in your market that offer a similar service, you are unique. You can compete for attention and simply be a part of the noise, or you can identify your uniqueness and no one will be able to compete with it.
What emphasis, passion, angle, or desire sets the way you deliver what you do apart?
Your message is worth telling well. Nothing brings our team more joy than to help tell a story about our clients that makes a difference to all they serve.
Know Your Target Audience

Everyone wants to reach everyone, we get it. But, there are probably those you are better positioned to reach. Because of who you are, because of your unique message, you are set up to truly serve some specific people in your market. Who are they?
Identify the smallest viable closely aligned group and go after them on purpose with everything you do. You will actually attract those outside that target, but you will have a very clear language and a very clear focus and it will create momentum for you and your brand. It will create trust.
The Results:
Momentum, growth, confidence, enjoyment, and fulfillment are all byproducts of an individual or an organization that expresses their unique message in a consistent way to those they have been created to reach.
If you are ready to start the process of moving toward that kind of alignment then let’s talk!
Schedule a free initial brand assessment call today.
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